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Astronomy & Astrophysics

Volume 693 (January 2025) (in progress)

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Solar Orbiter First Results (Nominal Mission Phase)

Letters to the Editor

Open Access

The third known triple white dwarf: The close double white dwarf SDSS J125733.63+542850.5 hosts a white dwarf tertiary L11


Astrophysical processes

Cosmology (including clusters of galaxies)

Extragalactic astronomy

Open Access

The JWST-PRIMAL archival survey - A JWST/NIRSpec reference sample for the physical properties and Lyman-α absorption and emission of ∼600 galaxies at z = 5.0 − 13.4 A60

Open Access

Inferring redshift and galaxy properties via a multi-task neural net with probabilistic outputs - An application to simulated MOONS spectra A73

Open Access

ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey: Dust mass measurements as a function of redshift, stellar mass, and star formation rate from z = 1 to z = 5 A190


Galactic structure, stellar clusters and populations

Open Access

Unveiling VVV/WISE Mira variables on the far side of the Galactic disk - Distances, kinematics, and a new extinction law A28

Open Access

MAGIS (Measuring Abundances of red super Giants with Infrared Spectroscopy) project - I. Establishment of an abundance analysis procedure for red supergiants and its evaluation with nearby stars A163


Interstellar and circumstellar matter

Open Access

A chemical link between saturated and unsaturated aldehydes and ketenes in the interstellar medium - Laboratory experiments on the H-atom reactions of propenal (CH2CHCHO) and propanal (CH3CH2CHO) at low temperatures A20

Open Access

The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] Survey: Modelling ALMA and JWST lines to constrain the interstellar medium of z∼ 5 galaxies - Connecting UV, optical, and far-infrared line emission A34


Stellar structure and evolution

Stellar atmospheres

The Sun and the Heliosphere

Planets, planetary systems, and small bodies

Open Access

The COBREX archival survey: Improved constraints on the occurrence rate of wide-orbit substellar companions - I. A uniform re-analysis of 400 stars from the GPIES survey A54

Open Access

Characterising the molecular line emission in the asymmetric Oph-IRS 48 dust trap: Temperatures, timescales, and sub-thermal excitation A101

Press Release
Open Access

Discovery of a cold giant planet and mass measurement of a hot super-Earth in the multi-planetary system WASP-132 A144


Celestial mechanics and astrometry

Atomic, molecular, and nuclear data

Astronomical instrumentation

Catalogs and data

Open Access

A new look at the extragalactic very high energy sky: Searching for TeV-emitting candidates among the X-ray-bright, non-Fermi-detected blazar population A142


Numerical methods and codes