A&A can also publish multimedia and 3D models embedded within HTML and PDF versions of articles: these are displayed alongside the article’s text.
When you submit your video files, please make sure their size is appropriate: as small as possible (and not larger than 10 Mb) but still big enough for all the important scientific information and details to be clearly visible. We will not resize videos, so authors are expected to submit their video files in the size and format in which they wish them to appear.
We accept .mov, .avi, .mpg and .mp4 files. Please note that we cannot accept movie files that require the reader to download particular codecs; files must be playable on standard media players such as QuickTime, Windows Media Player or VLC.
Movies can be either fully embedded in the text, or linked to.
- The "media9" package provides an interface to embed 3D objects (Adobe U3D & PRC), as well as video and sound files or streams in the popular MP4, FLV and MP3 formats, into PDF documents with Acrobat-9/X compatibility.
See for example the following article:
Figures 2 and 6 are fully embedded in the HTML and PDF versions with the LaTeX package "media9". - If you do not choose to embed your movies within your article PDF and HTML files, you can also refer to them in your text/figure caption(s) at appropriate places, and we will add a direct hyperlink to the webpage hosting your videos on our website. The video can either be referred to within a sentence, e.g.:
"Fig. 2. Same as Fig. 1 for the sequence running from 2 January 2005 13:36:19 UT to 8 January 2005, 15:00:10 UT. The temporal evolution is available as an online movie." Or, it can be just mentioned within parentheses, e.g.:
"Fig. 2. Evolution of the jet in 171 Å […] Bottom right: elongated jet structure with over-plotted cross-cuts used for anlaysis of the kink motion (Online movie)." Here is an example of a hyperlink between a PDF version of an article and the webpage hosting the corresponding videos: - If your video is not attached to a figure (e.g. graph, image, etc), then please remember to supply a snapshot of the video and a caption for us to use as an illustration in the PDF version of your article.
The names of your files should make it easy and quick for the typesetter to know which figure/video it is and to distinguish between video files and alternative PDF files. An example is given below:
3D models
When you submit your 3D model files, please make sure their size is appropriate: as small as possible but still big enough for all the important scientific information and details to be clearly visible. We will not resize your files, so authors are expected to submit their video files in the size and format they wish them to appear.
U3D or PRC files may be embedded directly into the PDF with the "media9" package. See for example figure 15 in the PDF file of the following article:
The size of the whole PDF document should not exceed 50 Mb. The same requirements as for videos apply, and your files should have easily identifiable names.
At present time, the technical tools to automatically standardise the process of including a 3D object into an HTML format do not exist. To overcome this technical limitation, A&A will accept links to 3D models on your site or on any specialised site such as Sketchfab. In this case, links should be included in your article as footnotes at the appropriate places.