2025 Press releases

The Zwicky Transient Facility survey publishes its long awaited sample of 3628 Type Ia Supernovae

Euclid discovers a stunning Einstein ring

Study confirms the lunar origin of 2024 PT5, a near-Earth asteroid

Scientists spot tiny Sun jets driving fast and slow solar wind

Interaction of kinetic waves and suprathermal particles could be key to unlocking biggest mystery in heliophysics

The mass of the Andromeda galaxy is revised downwards

Discovery of the first planetary system of the KOBE experiment

ESPRESSO Confirms the Existence of a Super-Earth in the Habitable Zone of a Sun-like Star

Astronomers are puzzled: Is WASP-43b a fast-spinning planet in a slowing dance?

Enigmatic Distant Radio Bursts Appear to be Neutron Stars

M87* One Year Later: Catching the Black Hole's Turbulent Accretion Flow

Extreme supersonic winds measured on planet outside our Solar System

Astrophysicists reveal structure of 74 exocomet belts orbiting nearby stars in landmark survey

Shaping a sustainable future for A&A: new policy on paper length

Since 2022, the Astronomy & Astrophysics Journal (A&A) has been published in open access under the Subscribe to open (S2O) model conditional on the renewals of library subscriptions, allowing unrestricted access to all papers published in the journal, regardless of geographic or economic barriers. We are strongly committed to maintaining this policy in the future, and continuing to publish A&A as a journal by astronomers, for astronomers.


Lost sulfur in the universe found in salt on dust and pebbles

Stellar Pyrotechnics on Display in Super Star Cluster

Hot Jupiters don't all orbit solo

Rocking the magnetic cradle of stellar birth

Call for New Associate Editors

The Board of Directors of Astronomy & Astrophysics invites applications for three Associate Editor positions in the following broad research areas:

  • Two positions in Extragalactic Astrophysics
  • One position in Solar Physics


Statement of the A&A Board of Directors and Editors

The Board of Directors and the Editors of Astronomy & Astrophysics are deeply appalled by and concerned with the recent events in Ukraine where the sovereignty and independence of the country and the freedom and the lives of its citizens are suffering direct and brutal military threat by an act of war from its neighbour.