A&A press release: Gliese 581: one planet might indeed be habitable (13 Dec 2007)
ESO press release: Skinny dusty disc found in the heart of the Ant Nebula (27 September 2007)
ESO press release: Summer season on Neptune creates escape route for methane (18 September 2007)
A&A Press Release: The missing link in the evolution of magnetic cataclysmic stars? (14 Sept 2007)
ESO press release: Matter Flashed at Ultra Speed (12 June 2007)
ESO press release: Chronicle of a Death Foretold (31 May 2007)
A&A special feature: XMM-Newton deciphers the magnetic physics around forming stars (31 May 2007)
ESO press release: Controlled by Distant Explosions (28 March 2007)
SSC press release: Elusive oxygen molecule finally discovered... (27 March 2007)
A&A Press Release: A jet of molecular hydrogen arising from a forming high-mass star (7 March 2007)
A&A special feature: First astrophysical results with AMBER/VLTI (21 February 2007)