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Astronomy & Astrophysics

Volume 643 (November 2020)

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Letters to the Editor

Astrophysical processes

Cosmology (including clusters of galaxies)

Extragalactic astronomy

Open Access

The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] survey - Survey strategy, observations, and sample properties of 118 star-forming galaxies at 4 < z < 6 A1

Free Access

The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] survey - Circumgalactic medium pollution and gas mixing by tidal stripping in a merging system at z ∼ 4.57 A7

Free Access

The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] survey - The nature, luminosity function, and star formation history of dusty galaxies up to z ≃ 6 A8

Free Access

Kinematic signatures of nuclear discs and bar-driven secular evolution in nearby galaxies of the MUSE TIMER project A14

Free Access

Inside-out formation of nuclear discs and the absence of old central spheroids in barred galaxies of the TIMER survey A65

Free Access

VALES - VII. Molecular and ionized gas properties in the pressure balanced interstellar medium of starburst galaxies at z ∼ 0.15 A78

Free Access

Excitation and acceleration of molecular outflows in LIRGs: The extended ESO 320-G030 outflow on 200-pc scales A89

Free Access

High-resolution, 3D radiative transfer modelling - V. A detailed model of the M 51 interacting pair A90

Open Access

Observational constraints on the optical and near-infrared emission from the neutron star–black hole binary merger candidate S190814bv A113

Free Access

Searching for molecular gas inflows and outflows in the nuclear regions of five Seyfert galaxies A127


Galactic structure, stellar clusters and populations

Free Access

Stellar Population Astrophysics (SPA) with TNG - The old open clusters Collinder 350, Gulliver 51, NGC 7044, and Ruprecht 171 A12

Free Access

The enigmatic globular cluster UKS 1 obscured by the bulge: H-band discovery of nitrogen-enhanced stars A145


Interstellar and circumstellar matter

Press Release
Open Access

Probing episodic accretion with chemistry: CALYPSO observations of the very-low-luminosity Class 0 protostar IRAM 04191+1522 - Results from the CALYPSO IRAM-PdBI survey A123


Stellar structure and evolution

Open Access

Investigating the magnetospheric accretion process in the young pre-transitional disk system DoAr 44 (V2062 Oph) - A multiwavelength interferometric, spectropolarimetric, and photometric observing campaign A99

Open Access

The Milky Way Cepheid Leavitt law based on Gaia DR2 parallaxes of companion stars and host open cluster populations A115

Open Access

The Gaia-ESO survey: 3D NLTE abundances in the open cluster NGC 2420 suggest atomic diffusion and turbulent mixing are at the origin of chemical abundance variations A164

Free Access

Orbital variability of the optical linear polarization of the γ-ray binary LS I +61° 303 and new constraints on the orbital parameters A170


Stellar atmospheres

The Sun and the Heliosphere

Planets and planetary systems

Free Access

Hot Exoplanet Atmospheres Resolved with Transit Spectroscopy (HEARTS) - VI. Non-detection of sodium with HARPS on the bloated super-Neptune WASP-127b A45

Free Access

The widest broadband transmission spectrum (0.38–1.71 μm) of HD 189733b from ground-based chromatic Rossiter–McLaughlin observations A64

Free Access

VIBES: Visual Binary Exoplanet survey with SPHERE - Upper limits on wide S-planet and S-BD frequencies, triple system discovery, and astrometric confirmation of 20 stellar binaries and three triple systems A98


Celestial mechanics and astrometry

Atomic, molecular, and nuclear data

Astronomical instrumentation

Free Access

The solar gravitational redshift from HARPS-LFC Moon spectra - A test of the general theory of relativity A146


Catalogs and data

Free Access

The Gaia-ESO Survey: Calibrating the lithium–age relation with open clusters and associations - I. Cluster age range and initial membership selections A71


Numerical methods and codes