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Astronomy & Astrophysics

Volume 591 (July 2016)

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Astrophysical processes

Cosmology (including clusters of galaxies)

Extragalactic astronomy

Galactic structure, stellar clusters and populations

Interstellar and circumstellar matter

Free Access

Azimuthal asymmetries in the debris disk around HD 61005 - A massive collision of planetesimals? A108

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First detection of gas-phase ammonia in a planet-forming disk - NH3, N2H+, and H2O in the disk around TW Hydrae A122


Stellar structure and evolution

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V346 Centauri: Early-type eclipsing binary with apsidal motion and abrupt change of orbital period A129


Stellar atmospheres

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Measuring the stellar wind parameters in IGR J17544-2619 and Vela X-1 constrains the accretion physics in supergiant fast X-ray transient and classical supergiant X-ray binaries A26

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ζ2 Reticuli, its debris disk, and its lonely stellar companion ζ1 Ret - Different Tc trends for different spectra A34


The Sun

Planets and planetary systems

Free Access

Electrical properties and porosity of the first meter of the nucleus of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko - As constrained by the Permittivity Probe SESAME-PP/Philae/Rosetta A32

Free Access

Five transiting hot Jupiters discovered using WASP-South, Euler, and TRAPPIST: WASP-119 b, WASP-124 b, WASP-126 b, WASP-129 b, and WASP-133 b A55


Celestial mechanics and astrometry

Atomic, molecular, and nuclear data

Astronomical instrumentation

Catalogs and data

Press Release
Free Access

Hi-GAL, the Herschel infrared Galactic Plane Survey: photometric maps and compact source catalogues - First data release for the inner Milky Way: +68° ≥ l ≥ −70° A149


Numerical methods and codes