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Astronomy & Astrophysics

Volume 632 (December 2019)

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The XXL Survey: third series

Letters to the Editor

Astrophysical processes

Cosmology (including clusters of galaxies)

Free Access

KiDS+VIKING-450: A new combined optical and near-infrared dataset for cosmology and astrophysics A34

Free Access

Strong lensing models of eight CLASH clusters from extensive spectroscopy: Accurate total mass reconstructions in the cores A36


Extragalactic astronomy

Open Access

CHANG-ES - XIV. Cosmic-ray propagation and magnetic field strengths in the radio halo of NGC 4631 A10

Press Release
Open Access

CHANG-ES - XV. Large-scale magnetic field reversals in the radio halo of NGC 4631 A11

Open Access

CHANG-ES - XVI. An in-depth view of the cosmic-ray transport in the edge-on spiral galaxies NGC 891 and NGC 4565 A12

Press Release
Free Access

Discovery of a galaxy overdensity around a powerful, heavily obscured FRII radio galaxy at z = 1.7: star formation promoted by large-scale AGN feedback? A26


Galactic structure, stellar clusters and populations

Free Access

A stellar census in globular clusters with MUSE: Binaries in NGC 3201 A3


Interstellar and circumstellar matter

Free Access

Investigating the nature of the extended structure around the Herbig star RCrA using integral field and high-resolution spectroscopy A18

Open Access

Search for high-mass protostars with ALMA revealed up to kilo-parsec scales (SPARKS) - II. Complex organic molecules and heavy water in shocks around a young high-mass protostar A57

Open Access

Physical conditions in the gas phases of the giant H II region LMC-N 11 - II. Origin of [C II] and fraction of CO-dark gas A106


Stellar structure and evolution

Open Access

TESS first look at evolved compact pulsators - Asteroseismology of the pulsating helium-atmosphere white dwarf TIC 257459955 A42

Free Access

X-shooter spectroscopy of young stars with disks - The TW Hydrae association as a probe of the final stages of disk accretion A46


Stellar atmospheres

The Sun

Planets and planetary systems

Atomic, molecular, and nuclear data

Astronomical instrumentation

Catalogs and data

Free Access

KiDS-SQuaD - II. Machine learning selection of bright extragalactic objects to search for new gravitationally lensed quasars A56


Numerical methods and codes