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Astronomy & Astrophysics

Volume 595 (November 2016)

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Gaia Data Release 1


Astrophysical processes

Cosmology (including clusters of galaxies)

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ATCA observations of the MACS-Planck Radio Halo Cluster Project - I. New detection of a radio halo in PLCK G285.0-23.7 A116


Extragalactic astronomy

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Determining the fraction of reddened quasars in COSMOS with multiple selection techniques from X-ray to radio wavelengths A13

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GRB 980425 host: [C II], [O I], and CO lines reveal recent enhancement of star formation due to atomic gas inflow A72

Press Release
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Detection of very high energy gamma-ray emission from the gravitationally lensed blazar QSO B0218+357 with the MAGIC telescopes A98


Galactic structure, stellar clusters and populations

Interstellar and circumstellar matter

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Laboratory spectroscopic study and astronomical detection of vibrationally excited n-propyl cyanide A87

Press Release
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Multiple rings in the transition disk and companion candidates around RX J1615.3-3255 - High contrast imaging with VLT/SPHERE A114

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The ALMA Protostellar Interferometric Line Survey (PILS) - First results from an unbiased submillimeter wavelength line survey of the Class 0 protostellar binary IRAS 16293-2422 with ALMA A117


Stellar structure and evolution

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Dissecting a supernova impostor’s circumstellar medium: MUSEing about the SHAPE of η Carinae’s outer ejecta A120


Stellar atmospheres

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Critical study of the distribution of rotational velocities of Be stars - I. Deconvolution methods, effects due to gravity darkening, macroturbulence, and binarity A132


The Sun

Planets and planetary systems

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Precise radial velocities of giant stars - IX. HD 59686 Ab: a massive circumstellar planet orbiting a giant star in a ~13.6 au eccentric binary system A55

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The mass of planet GJ 676A b from ground-based astrometry - A planetary system with two mature gas giants suitable for direct imaging A77

Press Release
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Shadows cast on the transition disk of HD 135344B - Multiwavelength VLT/SPHERE polarimetric differential imaging A113


Celestial mechanics and astrometry

Atomic, molecular, and nuclear data

Astronomical instrumentation

Catalogs and data

Numerical methods and codes