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Astronomy & Astrophysics

Volume 648 (April 2021)

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The LOFAR Two Meter Sky Survey

First science highlights from SRG/eROSITA

Letters to the Editor

Astrophysical processes

Cosmology (including clusters of galaxies)

Free Access

Organised randoms: Learning and correcting for systematic galaxy clustering patterns in KiDS using self-organising maps A98


Extragalactic astronomy

Interstellar and circumstellar matter

Extragalactic astronomy

Open Access

Probing the innermost regions of AGN jets and their magnetic fields with RadioAstron - IV. The quasar 3C 345 at 18 cm: Magnetic field structure and brightness temperature A82

Free Access

FR-type radio sources at 3 GHz VLA-COSMOS: Relation to physical properties and large-scale environment A102

Open Access

The central parsec of NGC 3783: a rotating broad emission line region, asymmetric hot dust structure, and compact coronal line region A117


Galactic structure, stellar clusters and populations

Free Access

Mapping the core of the Tarantula Nebula with VLT-MUSE - II. The spectroscopic Hertzsprung-Russell diagram of OB stars in NGC 2070 A65


Interstellar and circumstellar matter

Stellar structure and evolution

Stellar atmospheres

The Sun and the Heliosphere

Planets and planetary systems

Free Access

A super-Earth on a close-in orbit around the M1V star GJ 740 - A HADES and CARMENES collaboration A20

Free Access

TESS unveils the optical phase curve of KELT-1b - Thermal emission and ellipsoidal variation from the brown dwarf companion along with the stellar activity A71

Press Release
Free Access

Discovery of a directly imaged planet to the young solar analog YSES 2 A73

Free Access

A sub-Neptune and a non-transiting Neptune-mass companion unveiled by ESPRESSO around the bright late-F dwarf HD 5278 (TOI-130) A75

Free Access

Evidence for disequilibrium chemistry from vertical mixing in hot Jupiter atmospheres - A comprehensive survey of transiting close-in gas giant exoplanets with warm-Spitzer/IRAC A127


Celestial mechanics and astrometry

Atomic, molecular, and nuclear data

Astronomical instrumentation

Catalogs and data

Numerical methods and codes