Volume 553, May 2013
Article Number A21
Number of page(s) 16
Section Planets and planetary systems
Published online 23 April 2013

Online material

thumbnail Fig. 1

Water 5 × 5 raster map at 1669.9 GHz obtained with Herschel/HIFI on July 7, 2010, after reducing the raw data with the HIPE 8.2.0 pipeline. The data are shown at their native resolution (1.1 MHz). The pixels are numbered according to the raster observation numbering. The H (red line) and the V (blue line) polarizations of the WBS are both presented. Jupiter is represented with the black ellipse, and its rotation axis is also displayed. The black crosses indicate the center of the various pixels according to the H/V mean positions retrieved from the modeling of the continuum emission. The beam is represented for the central pixel by the red circle.

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thumbnail Fig. 3

Water map at 66.4 μm observed by the PACS spectrometer on December 15, 2010. Jupiter is represented by the black ellipse, and its rotation axis is also displayed. The beam is represented by a gray filled circle. The continuum (in Jy), the line peak intensity (=l/c-1), and the line area (in microns × % of the continuum) are displayed. While the line peak intensity and line area values can be relied on, the absolute flux values cannot (see text for more details). This map confirms the lack of emission at mid-to-high latitudes in the northern hemisphere (best seen at the limb).

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© ESO, 2013

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