Issue |
Volume 553, May 2013
Article Number | A44 | |
Number of page(s) | 17 | |
Section | Planets and planetary systems | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 30 April 2013 |
Online material
Appendix A: Individual and various grand-averagedlight curves, effect of limb darkening, transitand trend parameters
Fig. A.1
Grand-averaged transit light curves obtained from various datasets. White: our basic set of 32 LCs as presented in Sect. 6; gray: 32 LCs from the basic set and 13 LCs recommended by the referee from the ETD in her/his second report. (These LCs come from the following followups (name-date-filter): CLopresti-2010-09-11-R, SGajdos-2010-10-27-V, SKorotkiy-2010-10-25-R, JGarlitz-2010-11-19-R, LBrat-2010-11-27-C, Dhusar-2010-12-03-R, SShadick-2011-02-10-I, DSergison-2011-09-29-R, CGillier-2011-09-29-R, SShadick-2011-10-01-I, SShadick-2011-10-30-I, ABourdanov-2011-12-10-C, ERomas-2011-12-10-B.) Black: as for the gray set but omitting 11 stars recommended by the referee in her/his 3rd report. (These omitted LCs come from the following followups (name-date-filter): SGajdos-2010-10-27-V, SKorotkiy-2010-10-25-R, LBrat-2010-11-27-C, and #6, #15, #18, #24, #26, #33, #34, #36 from our basic set as given in Table 1). Notation and data sampling is the same as in Fig. 10. The residuals have been shifted vertically for better visibility. |
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Fig. A.2
Effect of the assumed average color of the grand-averaged light curve (Fig. 10) on the transit anomaly. The continuous curves show the best fitting models from B (the deepest curve) through V, R to I (the shallowest curve). The dots represent the (shifted) residuals remaining after subtracting the model light curves corresponding to B and I (upper and lower sets of points, respectively). The “kinks” in the I residuals in the ingress/egress parts suggest that shorter wavebands give a better representation of the mixture of colors the grand-averaged light curve is assembled from. |
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Fig. A.3
Light curves for the first half of the dataset as listed in Table 1. Phase was computed from the ephemeris given for the full dataset in Table 2. The light curves were linearly detrended as described in Sect. 3. The filters and the internal identification numbers (see Table 1) are given in each panel in the upper left and right corners, respectively (the sign ? is overplotted on the internal ID if the light curve is not included in the analysis presented in this paper). The reference model light curve is plotted by continuous line in each panel. Since the main purpose of the plot to display primarily the ETD light curves, for simplicity we left out #01 (HATNet), #02 (FLWO) and #30 (Konkoly), shown in other figures in the paper. |
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Fig. A.4
As in Fig. A.3 but for the second half of the dataset. |
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Simplified transit model fits to the individual transit events of WASP-33.
© ESO, 2013
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