Open Access
Table A.1.
Input parameters and asteroseismically determined parameters for the 490 analysed γ Dor stars.
Name | Unit | Description |
KIC | - | KIC ID |
RA | deg | Right ascension from Gaia DR3 |
Dec | deg | Declination from Gaia DR3 |
Lum | L⊙ | Photometric Luminosity (L) |
err_Lum | L⊙ | Uncertainty on photometric Luminosity |
Teff | K | Effective temperature from Gaia DR3 (Teff) |
err_Teff | K | Uncertainty on effective temperature |
Pi0 | s | Buoyancy travel time from Li et al. (2020) (Π0) |
errl_Pi0 | s | Lower uncertainty on Π0 from Li et al. (2020) |
erru_Pi0 | s | Upper uncertainty on Π0 from Li et al. (2020) |
frot | d−1 | Near-core rotation rate from Li et al. (2020) (Ωrot) |
errl_frot | d−1 | Lower uncertainty on Ωrot from Li et al. (2020) |
erru_frot | d−1 | Upper uncertainty on Ωrot from Li et al. (2020) |
Xc’ | - | Normalised core hydrogen mass fraction () |
errl_Xc’ | - | Lower uncertainty on |
erru_Xc’ | - | Upper uncertainty on |
age | Gyr | Asteroseismic age (t) |
errl_age | Gyr | Lower uncertainty on age |
erru_age | Gyr | Upper uncertainty on age |
mass | M⊙ | Asteroseismic mass (M) |
errl_mass | M⊙ | Lower uncertainty on mass |
erru_mass | M⊙ | Upper uncertainty on mass |
radius | R⊙ | Asteroseismic radius (R) |
errl_radius | R⊙ | Lower uncertainty on radius |
erru_radius | R⊙ | Upper uncertainty on radius |
vvcrit | - | Ratio of current rotation rate to critical rotation rate (v/vcrit) |
MIST_age_TAMS | Gyr | Age of rotating MIST track at TAMS (tr) |
NR_MIST_age_TAMS | Gyr | Age of non-rotating MIST track at TAMS (tnr) |
TAMS_frac | - | Fraction of rotating to non-rotating age at TAMS (tr/tnr) |
MIST_age_TRGB | Gyr | Age of rotating MIST track at TRGB (tr) |
NR_MIST_age_TRGB | Gyr | Age of non-rotating MIST track at TRGB (tnr) |
TRGB_frac | - | Fraction of rotating to non-rotating age at TRGB (tr/tnr) |
MIST_age_ZAHeB | Gyr | Age of rotating MIST track at ZAHeB (tr) |
NR_MIST_age_ZAHeB | Gyr | Age of non-rotating MIST track at ZAHeB tnr) |
ZAHeB_frac | - | Fraction of rotating to non-rotating age at ZAHeB (tr/tnr) |
MIST_age_TAHeB | Gyr | Age of rotating MIST track at TAHeB (tr) |
NR_MIST_age_TAHeB | Gyr | Age of non-rotating MIST track at TAHeB (tnr) |
TAHeB_frac | - | Fraction of rotating to non-rotating age at TAHeB (tr/tnr) |
Notes. The full table is available at the CDS.
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