Open Access

Table 1.

Galaxy group and cluster members of the Perseus-Pisces SC.

Name RA Dec Redshift Flux Err. LX m200 rout nH R Alt. name
RXCJ2332.5+2355 353.1303 23.9266 0.0173 1.6108 17.50 0.0143 0.266 7.5 4.4 D UGC 12655
RXCJ0015.5+1720 3.8764 17.3350 0.0181 1.9179 35.80 0.0181 0.308 8.0 4.0 D NGC 57
RXCJ0018.3+3003 4.5984 30.0630 0.0223 2.5900 20.10 0.0374 0.484 7.5 5.5 D NGC 71
RXCJ0021.0+2216 5.2628 22.2754 0.0193 5.1874 25.50 0.0464 0.554 16.0 4.2 D SRGb063 (a), PPS 62 (b)
RXCJ0107.2+3224 16.8206 32.4067 0.0174 6.6932 10.30 0.0512 0.590 14.5 5.2 C NGC 383
RXCJ0110.9+3308 17.7425 33.1486 0.0177 2.2140 20.00 0.0277 0.404 5.0 5.9 C NGC 410
RXCJ0123.1+3327 20.7971 33.4612 0.0147 6.0909 18.00 0.0416 0.519 9.0 5.3 C NGC 499
RXCJ0123.6+3315 20.9041 33.2516 0.0166 17.1433 15.00 0.1523 1.159 10.0 5.3 C NGC 507
RXCJ0152.7+3609 28.1942 36.1509 0.0161 71.6749 4.50 0.4227 2.185 38.0 5.5 C A 262
RXCJ0200.2+3126 30.0704 31.4346 0.0167 4.0825 16.00 0.0308 0.430 11.0 5.5 C NGC 777
RXCJ0222.7+4301 35.6965 43.0182 0.0212 7.0947 20.80 0.0910 0.841 9.0 9.1 C UGC 1841
RXCJ0238.7+4138 39.6977 41.6478 0.0153 2.3705 21.20 0.0130 0.253 14.5 7.6 C NGC 996
RXCJ0249.5+4658 42.3899 46.9768 0.0274 2.3755 19.40 0.0433 0.530 11.5 13.4 E IC 0256/0257
RXCJ0254.4+4134 43.6214 41.5764 0.0172 110.5048 2.20 0.9477 3.601 17.5 9.2 C AWM7 (NGC 1129)
RXCJ0300.7+4428 45.1791 44.4675 0.0302 41.8408 4.00 0.9475 3.578 17.5 14.9 F CIZAJ0300.7+4427
RXCJ0309.9+4207 47.4981 42.1255 0.0300 1.4685 19.70 0.0316 0.434 11.0 12.7 E UGC 2562
RXCJ0310.3+4250 47.5755 42.8488 0.0314 2.6345 19.00 0.0668 0.681 9.0 16.2 F
RXCJ0319.7+4130 49.9498 41.5149 0.0179 688.3633 0.90 7.7309 13.227 17.5 15.7 C A 426 (Perseus)
RXCJ0348.1+4212 57.0337 42.2145 0.0174 3.3776 17.20 0.0324 0.443 7.5 23.7 C MCG +07−08−033
RXCJ0421.8+3607 65.4689 36.1200 0.0208 11.6173 10.10 0.1279 1.038 14.5 26.2 C UGC 3021
RXCJ0450.0+4501 72.5146 45.0242 0.0210 69.6988 5.50 0.8256 3.300 17.5 67.9 C 3C 129
RXCJ0547.2+5052 86.8160 50.8786 0.0263 9.1313 11.70 0.1490 1.139 17.0 17.8 E UGC 3355

Notes. The flux is in units of 10−12 erg s−1 cm−2 in the 0.1−2.4 keV band, and the error in the following column is in percent. The X-ray luminosity, LX, is in units of 1044 erg s−1 for 0.1−2.4 keV within r500; m200 is the cluster mass estimated from the LX–mass relation within r200; rout is the radius out to which the X-ray luminosity is detected in the RASS; and nH is the interstellar column density in the line of sight in units of 1020 cm−2. R indicates to which part of the Perseus-Pisces SC the member belongs: C = core, D = other members z ≤ 0.025, E = members with z = 0.025 − 0.03, and F = members at z > 0.03. In the last column we provide alternative names of the systems; groups are often designated by the name of the central dominant galaxy.


Group described in Mahdavi et al. (2000),


system in the Perseus-Pisces Group Survey of Trasart-Battistani (1998).

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