Table 3.
Parameters for measurement method comparison and quadrant misalignment experimental runs.
Optical bench and numerical simulation configuration | |
Telescope | D = 18.0 m diameter |
Circular pupil – No obstruction | |
Single von Karman ground layer | |
Turbulence layer | r0 = 12.9 cm–L0 = 25 m |
m s−1 | |
Source | On-axis natural guide star |
Readout noise | 0.3 e− (bench: added numerically) |
Loop rate | Simulated as 500 Hz |
Tip-tilt mirror | |
(bench: physical mount) | |
Deformable mirrors | Square pitch piezo-stack |
(bench: on LCOS-SLM)a | |
Piezo-stack mirror | 39 × 39 actuators – Total 1,177 in pupil |
PWFS subapertures | 44 × 44 (simu.)–46 × 46 (bench) |
PWFS wavelength | Monochromatic at 658 nm |
PWFS modulation | Circular, tunable radius. |
Simulation method | Focal phase mask |
(quadrants interferences included) | |
Modal integrator | |
Controller | Optimized Karhunen–Loëve basisb |
(defined on DM actuators) | |
Controller Gain | Optimized scalar loop gain |
Modal sensitivity compensationc,d |
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