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Table 2

Times of the primary and secondary minima of V346 Cen estimated from locally fitted individual light curves as defined in Table 1 (see text for details).

Min I Min II rms Source

27 226.5715 27 223.8744 0.0071 phot. O’Connell
32 239.68 32 237.40 0.13 RVs1
42 196.943 42 194.795 0.012 Walraven V
42 196.954 42 194.795 0.015 Walraven B
42 196.923 42 194.791 0.017 Walraven U
42 196.968 42 194.795 0.014 Walraven L
45 250.3726 45 248.3227 0.0005 Stromgren y
45 250.3734 45 248.3235 0.0005 Stromgren b
45 250.3729 45 248.3235 0.0004 Stromgren v
45 250.3727 45 248.3238 0.0005 Stromgren u
51 161.311 51 159.288 0.010 ASAS2
51 306.7203 51 304.6942 0.0044 ASAS2
51 572.2482 51 570.2167 0.0048 ASAS2
52 602.7051 52 600.6705 0.0032 ASAS3
54 120.0110 54 117.9181 0.0027 Mt. John R
54 176.8914 54 174.8069 0.0013 V 2
54 176.8881 54 174.8046 0.0015 B 2
54 202.158 54 200.093 0.026 Siding Spring U
54 252.7317 54 250.6666 0.0028 ASAS3
54 929.1703 54 927.0861 0.0093 RV TODCOR
56 699.3383 56 697.2455 0.0020 SAAO green
56 762.5371 56 760.4400 0.0006 FRAM V
56 762.5296 56 760.4410 0.0014 FRAM B
56 762.5390 56 760.4368 0.0007 FRAM R
56 762.5396 56 760.4320 0.0007 FRAM I



Mt. John & Sidding Spring.

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