Planck 2013 results
Free Access

Table 1

LFI performance parameters.

Parameter 30 GHz 44 GHz 70 GHz

Center frequency [GHz] ....................................... 28.4 44.1 70.4
Scanning beam FWHMa [arcmin] ........ 33.16 28.09 13.08
Scanning beam ellipticitya ................... 1.37 1.25 1.27
Effective beam FWHMb [arcmin] ........ 32.34 27.12 13.31
White noise level in mapc [ μKCMB] ........ 9.2 12.5 23.2
White noise level in timelinesd [ μKCMB s1/2] ........ 148.5 173.2 151.9
fkneed [mHz] ......................................................... 114.5 45.7 20.2
1 /f sloped ............. 0.92 0.90 1.13
Overall calibration uncertaintye [%] ........ 0.82 0.55 0.62
Systematic effects uncertaintyf [ μKCMB] ........ 21.02 5.61 7.87



Determined by fitting Jupiter observations directly in the timelines.


Calculated from the main beam solid angle of the effective beam, Ωeff = mean(Ω) (Sect. 6.2). These values are used in the source extraction pipeline (Planck Collaboration XXVIII 2014).


White noise per pixel computed from half-ring difference maps. These values are within 1% of the white noise sensitivity computed directly on the timelines, taking into account the actual integration time represented in the maps.


Values derived from fitting noise spectra (Sect. 8).


Sum of the error on the estimation of the calibration constant (0.25%) and the square root of the squared sum of the following errors: beam uncertainty; sidelobe convolution effect; and unknown systematics as measured from the power spectrum at 50 < < 250 (see Planck Collaboration V 2014).


Peak-to-peak difference between 99% and 1% quantiles in the pixel value distributions from simulated maps (see Planck Collaboration III 2014).

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