Issue |
Volume 686, June 2024
Article Number | A119 | |
Number of page(s) | 19 | |
Section | Numerical methods and codes | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 04 June 2024 |
MATRICS: The implicit matrix-free Eulerian hydrodynamics solver
Max-Planck Institute for Astronomy,
Königsstuhl 17,
Context. There exists a zoo of different astrophysical fluid dynamics solvers, most of which are based on an explicit formulation and hence stability-limited to small time steps dictated by the Courant number expressing the local speed of sound. With this limitation, the modeling of low-Mach-number flows requires small time steps that introduce significant numerical diffusion, and a large amount of computational resources are needed. On the other hand, implicit methods are often developed to exclusively model the fully incompressible or 1D case since they require the construction and solution of one or more large (non)linear systems per time step, for which direct matrix inversion procedures become unacceptably slow in two or more dimensions.
Aims. In this work, we present a globally implicit 3D axisymmetric Eulerian solver for the compressible Navier–Stokes equations including the energy equation using conservative formulation and a fully simultaneous approach. We use the second-order-in-time backward differentiation formula for temporal discretization as well as the κ scheme for spatial discretization. We implement different limiter functions to prohibit the occurrence of spurious oscillations in the vicinity of discontinuities. Our method resembles the well-known monotone upwind scheme for conservation laws (MUSCL). We briefly present efficient solution methods for the arising sparse and nonlinear system of equations.
Methods. To deal with the nonlinearity of the Navier–Stokes equations we used a Newton iteration procedure in which the required Jacobian matrix-vector product was reconstructed with a first-order finite difference approximation to machine precision in a matrix-free way. The resulting linear system was solved either completely matrix-free with a combination of a sufficient Krylov solver and an approximate Jacobian preconditioner or semi-matrix-free with the incomplete lower upper factorization technique as a preconditioner. The latter was dependent on a standalone approximation of the Jacobian matrix, which was optionally calculated and needed solely for the purpose of preconditioning.
Results. We show our method to be capable of damping sound waves and resolving shocks even at Courant numbers larger than one. Furthermore, we prove the method’s ability to solve boundary value problems like the cylindrical Taylor-Couette flow (TC), including viscosity, and to model transition flows. To show the latter, we recover predicted growth rates for the vertical shear instability, while choosing a time step orders of magnitude larger than the explicit one. Finally, we verify that our method is second order in space by simulating a simplistic, stationary solar wind.
Key words: hydrodynamics / methods: numerical
© The Authors 2024
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