Nucleation and growth of iron pebbles explains the formation of iron-rich planets akin to Mercury
The crucial role of surface magnetic fields for stellar dynamos: epsilon Eridani, 61 Cygni A, and the Sun
Observational constraints on the origin of the elements. IV. Standard composition of the Sun
Impact of non-thermal particles on the spectral and structural properties of M87
An expanded ultraluminous X-ray source catalogue
Making Faranoff-Riley I radio sources. III. The effects of the magnetic field on relativistic jets’ propagation and source morphologies
A search for cool molecular gas in GK Persei and other classical novae
CHEOPS geometric albedo of the hot Jupiter HD209458 b
A detailed spectroscopic study of tidal disruption events
Fundamental physics with ESPRESSO: Precise limit on variations in the fine-structure constant towards the bright quasar HE0515-4414