COMPTEL data analysis using GammaLib and ctools
First light for GRAVITY Wide. Large separation fringe tracking for the Very Large Telescope Interferometer
The VLT-FLAMES survey of massive stars. NGC2004#115: A triple system hosting a possible short period B+BH binary
Asteroid taxonomy from cluster analysis of spectrometry and albedo
Convective inhibition with an ocean. I. Supercritical cores on sub-Neptunes/super-Earths
Low-mass young stars in the Milky Way unveiled by DBSCAN and Gaia EDR3: Mapping the star forming regions within 1.5 kpc
What can be learnt from UHECR anisotropies observations. I. Large-scale anisotropies and composition features
Simultaneous X-ray and optical spectroscopy of V404 Cygni supports the multi-phase nature of X-ray binary accretion disc winds
A scaled-up planetary system around a supernova progenitor
TRAPUM discovery of 13 new pulsars in NGC 1851 using MeerKAT