Free Access
Volume 548, December 2012
Article Number L7
Number of page(s) 5
Section Letters
Published online 27 November 2012

Online material

Appendix A

This appendix specifies which bursts are included in each one of the five samples used in this study. To facilitate its reading each column was named in reference to the discriminating parameter for each subsample. That is:

  • Sample 1: all 111 FREDs detected by Swift beforeMarch 2011.

  • Sample 2: 77 FREDs without any measured redshift different from zero

  • Sample 3: 71 FREDs without any claimed high redshift criteria

  • Sample 4: 59 FREDs without any type of indirect redshift indication

  • Sample 5: 49 FREDs without any redshift indications or multiple peaks

With the exception of the first column and where noted otherwise, each number refers to the GCN circular.

Table A.1

GRBs of the samples used for this study and the GCN used to discriminate each burst.

© ESO, 2012

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