Free Access
Volume 522, November 2010
Article Number A106
Number of page(s) 19
Section Interstellar and circumstellar matter
Published online 09 November 2010

Online material

Appendix A: Sofi imaging

thumbnail Fig. A.1

SOFI Js image of CG 1 head. Square root scaling has been used to enhance the appearance of the faint surface brightness structures.

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thumbnail Fig. A.2

SOFI H image of CG 1 head. Square root scaling has been used to enhance the appearance of the faint surface brightness structures.

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thumbnail Fig. A.3

SOFI Ks image of CG 1 head. Square root scaling has been used to enhance the appearance of the faint surface brightness structures.

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thumbnail Fig. A.4

SOFI Ks (in black) and H (in red) surface brightness contours superimposed on a grey scale Js image. The contour levels in SOFI counts are from 100 to 1100 in steps of 100 in Ks and from 10 to 90 in steps of 10 in H . The wedge in the right shows the Js grey scale levels. The image size is 23″ by 23″ and SOFI pixel scale is 0288.

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Appendix B: C18O mapping

thumbnail Fig. B.1

Contour map of the integrated C18O(1–0) emission in CG 1 head in TMB scale. The contour levels are from 0.25 K   km   s-1 to 1.25 K   km   s-1 in steps of 0.25 K   km   s-1. The points indicate the measured points and the square the location of the YSO in the figure. The SEST HPBW at the C18O(1–0) frequency is shown in the upper left corner.

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thumbnail Fig. B.2

Contour map of the integrated C18O(2–1) emission in CG 1 head in TMB scale. The contour levels are from 0.4 K   km   s-1 to 2.0 K   km   s-1 in steps of 0.4 K   km   s-1. The points indicate the measured points and the square the location of the YSO in the figure. The SEST HPBW at the C18O(2–1) frequency is shown in the upper left corner.

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Appendix C: ESO archive data

thumbnail Fig. C.1

CO (3–2) map in the direction of the YSO. The spectra are plotted from 1 km   s-1 to 7 km   s-1 in velocity and from –1 K to 12 K in scale. The offsets are in arcseconds in right ascension and declination from the YSO position. The data is ESO archive data (ESO project 077.C-0217A).

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© ESO, 2010

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