Open Access

Table 1

Cosmological parameters of the PICCOLO set of simulations.

Name Ωm,0 h Ωb,0 ns σ8
C0 0.3158 0.6732 0.0494 0.9661 0.8102
C1 0.1986 0.7267 0.0389 0.9775 0.8590
C2 0.1665 0.7066 0.0417 0.9461 0.8341
C3 0.3750 0.6177 0.0625 0.9778 0.7136
C4 0.3673 0.6353 0.0519 0.9998 0.7121
C5 0.1908 0.6507 0.0527 0.9908 0.8971
C6 0.2401 0.8087 0.0357 0.9475 0.8036
C7 0.3020 0.5514 0.0674 0.9545 0.8163
C8 0.4093 0.7080 0.0446 0.9791 0.7253

C9 0.1530 0.6660 0.0408 0.9661 0.6140
C10 0.4280 0.7300 0.0492 0.9661 0.9000

EdS0 1.0000 0.7000 0.0000 -1.5000 0.5000
EdS1 1.0000 0.7000 0.0000 -2.0000 0.5000
EdS2 1.0000 0.7000 0.0000 -2.5000 0.5000

ν-150 0.3158 0.6732 0.0494 0.9661 0.8036
ν-300 0.3158 0.6732 0.0494 0.9661 0.7709
ν-600 0.3158 0.6732 0.0494 0.9661 0.7123

Notes. The parameters of the C0 to C8 models have been uniformly drawn from the 95% confidence level hyper-volume of the cluster abundance constraints presented in Costanzi et al. (2021). The parameters for the C9 and C10 were specifically selected to sample the parameter space in the direction orthogonal to the direction of degeneracy in the (Ωm,0,σ8) plane of the constraints of Costanzi et al. (2021) and in significant tension with them.

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