Open Access

Table A.3

Observations of HNCO and HCOOH in comets.

(yyyy/mm/dd-dd) rh (au) telescopes(a) lines(b) (yyyy/mm/dd-dd) rh (au) telescopes (a) lines(b)
C/1996 B2 1996/03–04 1.10–0.65 CSO, 1(+2) 1996/04/11 0.65 IRAM (2)
(Hyakutake) PdB,IRAM
C/1995 O1 1997/02–05 0.92–1.28 CSO, 4(+1) 1997/02–05 0.92–1.28 CSO, 7(+1)
(Hale-Bopp) PdB,IRAM PdB,IRAM
153P/Ikeya-Zhang 2002/05/12 1.255 IRAM 1 2002/05/10–12 1.23 IRAM (2)
C/2004 Q2 (Machholz) 2005/01/16–18 1.21 IRAM 1 2005/01/15–18 1.21 IRAM (3)
73P-C/S.-W.3 2006/05/09–18 1.00 CSO, IRAM 1(+1) 2006/05/13–18 1.00 IRAM (3)
73P-B/S.-W.3 2006/05/09–18 1.00 CSO, IRAM 2 2006/05/13–18 1.00 IRAM (3)
8P/Tuttle 2007/12/29–31 1.10 IRAM 1 2007/12/29–31 1.11 IRAM 1+(2)
C/2007 N3 (Lulin) 2009/02/26–27 1.41 IRAM 1 2009/02/25–27 1.41 IRAM (3)
103P/Hartley 2 2010/10/25–29 1.06 IRAM, CSO 1(+3) 2010/10/25–39 1.06 IRAM, CSO (9)
C/2009 P1 (Garradd) 2012/02/15–19 1.73 IRAM 1(+6) 2012/02/15–19 1.73 IRAM (10)
C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy) 2013/11/08–16 1.13 IRAM (5) 2013/11/08–16 1.13 IRAM (21)
2013/11/27–31 0.92 IRAM 1(+5) 2013/11/27–31 0.92 IRAM 7(+13)
2013/12/09–16 0.83 IRAM 1(+9) 2013/12/09–16 0.82 IRAM 2(+24)
C/2012 S1 (ISON) 2013/11/14–15 0.62 IRAM 1 2013/11/14–15 0.62 IRAM 2(+6)
C/2012 F6 (Lemmon) 2013/03/14–18 0.75 IRAM (6) 2013/03/14–39 0.75 IRAM (16)
2013/04/06–08 0.75 IRAM 1(+8) 2013/04/06–08 0.78 IRAM (22)
C/2011 L4 2013/03/14–18 0.36 IRAM 2(+4) 2013/03/14–18 0.36 IRAM 1(+21)
(PanSTARRS) 2013/04/05–08 0.81 IRAM (9) 2013/04/05–08 0.81 IRAM (28)
C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) 2015/01/13–16 1.31 IRAM 4(+2) 2015/01/13–16 1.31 IRAM 6+(14)
2015/01/23–26 1.30 IRAM 4(+1) 2015/01/23–26 1.29 IRAM 3(+9)
C/2013 US10 (Catalina) 2015/12/30–34 1.18 IRAM (6) 2015/12/30–34 1.18 IRAM (10)
46P/Wirtanen 2018/12/11–18 1.06 IRAM (10) 2018/12/11–18 1.06 IRAM (17)
67P/Churyumov-G. 2021/11/12–16 1.22 IRAM (10) 2021/11/12–16 1.22 IRAM (14)
C/2021 A1 (Leonard) 2021/12/08–13 0.78 IRAM 6(+6) 2021/12/08–13 0.78 IRAM 2(+26)
C/2022 E3 (ZTF) 2023/02/03–07 1.18 IRAM 3(+9) 2023/02/03–07 1.18 IRAM 13(+17)

Notes. (a)Radio telescopes used: IRAM 30-m, CSO = Caltech Submillimeter Observatory 10.4-m, PdB = Plateau de Bure interferometer in single-dish ON-OFF mode.

(b)The number of lines in parenthesis have a S/N < 3, but are used to infer abundances.

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