Open Access

Table A.1

Log of observations of comet C/2021 A1 (Leonard) in 2021.

UT date (mm/dd.d-dd.d) <rh> (au) <Δ > (au) Phase(a) Tel. Integ. time (min) (c) pwv (b) (mm) Mode(d) Freq. range (GHz)
11/12.18–12.20 1.218 1.192 48.5° IRAM 28 4.8 WSW 248.7-256.5, 264.4-272.2
11/13.19–13.22 1.203 1.157 49.5° IRAM 33 6.6 WSW 146.9-154.7, 162.6-170.4
11/14.16–14.20 1.188 1.123 50.6° IRAM 34 4.4 PSW 248.7-256.5, 264.4-272.2
14.22–14.24 1.187 1.121 50.7° IRAM 16 5.0 PSW 209.7-217.5, 225.4-233.1
11/15.18–15.22 1.172 1.087 51.8° IRAM 36 3.1 PSW 146.9-154.7, 162.6-170.4
11/16.15–16.20 1.157 1.053 52.9° IRAM 44 1.3 PSW 248.7-256.5, 264.4-272.2

12/08.44–08.47 0.826 0.288 115.5° IRAM 42 2.0 WSW 248.4-256.5, 264.4-272.5
08.52–08.58 0.824 0.286 116.4° IRAM 64 2.5 WSW 146.6-154.8, 162.6-170.7
12/09.41–09.58 0.813 0.266 124.0° IRAM 150 4-6 WSW 248.4-256.5, 264.4-272.5
12/10.29–10.44 0.800 0.250 131.8° IRAM 136 4-7 WSW 248.4-256.5, 264.4-272.5
10.46–10.54 0.798 0.248 133.0° IRAM 124 8-19 WSW 146.6-154.8, 162.6-170.7
10.54–10.59 0.798 0.248 133.5° IRAM 124 4-8 WSW 146.6-154.8, 162.6-170.7
12/11.51–11.53 0.785 0.237 142.7° IRAM 28 6.0 WSW 82.9-90.9,224.8-232.8
11.57–11.59 0.785 0.237 143.5° IRAM 28 5.7 WSW 248.4-256.5, 264.4-272.5
11.59–11.66 0.784 0.237 143.7° IRAM 65 3-5 WSW 248.4-256.5, 264.4-272.5
12/12.38–12.41 0.774 0.233 150.7° IRAM 9 2.8 WSW 248.4-256.5, 264.4-272.5
12.42–12.54 0.773 0.233 151.4° IRAM 113 1.8 WSW 240.0-248.1, 256.0-264.1
12.56–12.65 0.772 0.233 152.5° IRAM 109 2.0 WSW 209.4-217.5, 225.4-233.4
12/13.38–13.41 0.762 0.236 158.0° IRAM 19 0.7 WSW 248.4-256.5, 264.4-272.5
13.43–13.50 0.761 0.236 158.4° IRAM 79 0.4 WSW 217.5-225.5, 234.5-241.5
13.52–13.57 0.760 0.237 158.7° IRAM 56 1.0 WSW 240.0-248.1, 256.0-264.1
13.60–13.66 0.759 0.237 159.1° IRAM 62 2.1 WSW 146.6-154.8, 162.6-170.7

Notes. (a)Phase angle. (b)Mean precipitable water vapour in the atmosphere above the telescope.

(c)Total (offset positions included) integration time (ON+OFF) on the source. (d)Observing mode: WSW = Wobbler Switching (reference at ±3″); PSW = Position Switching (reference at 5″).

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