Fig. 16

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Spatial distribution of formaldehyde in comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF). This plot shows for the average of all observations of the twin 211 GHz and 226 GHz lines observed together in comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) from 3 to 7 February 2023: (i) in black squares (with error-bars) the observed line integrated intensity, (ii) in solid and dotted lines the expected intensity for parent scale length of 0 or 1000–8000 km. For better visibility a normalisation has been applied: at each offset the line intensity is multiplied by the column density at the first offset divided by the one expected at the considered offset point, for a parent distribution. Production rate of the models are adjusted to get the same integrated intensity at the first point. Deviation from a flat line for Lp = 0 (black continuous line) is due to excitation effects. Vertical axis is normalised integrated intensity in mK km/s and horizontal axis is pointing offset converted into km at the distance of the comet.
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