Open Access

Table 1

Time (in UTC) of the different boundary crossings identified from electron observations during MFB1 (October 1, 2021), MFB2 (June 23, 2022), MFB3 (June 19, 2023), and M10 FB1 (March 29, 1974).

Boundary MFB1 MFB2 MFB3 M10 FB1
Bow Shock 22:45:24/22:49:53 18:44:22 20:27:00
Inbound Magnetopause 23:08:30 09:10:00 19:14:00 20:37:00
Eclipse 23:23:41 09:27:43 19:23:49 20:41:58

Eclipse 23:36:32 09:45:07 19:38:36 20:49:17
Outbound Magnetopause 23:41:00 09:52:10 19:45:00 20:54:10
Bow Shock 23:45:30 09:56:42 19:52:00 20:57:20

Notes. Inbound and outbound entries into or exits from the eclipse (or shadow) region were determined with SPICE kernels.

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