Fig. 2.
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Emitter’s and observer’s polarization bases. All vectors discussed here are expressed in the emitter’s frame. The direction of emission is K, while B⊥ is the ambient magnetic field projected normal to K. The emitter’s frame polarization vector reads F = K × B = K × B⊥. The vectors (e1, e2, e3) = (F, −B⊥, K) form the emitter’s orthogonal basis, naturally adapted for expressing synchrotron radiative transfer. The polarization basis of the observer (eα, eδ), corresponding to unit vectors in the east and north directions, has been parallel transported to the emitter’s frame. The vector ew = −eα is along the west direction such that (ew, eδ, K) forms the observer’s orthogonal triad. The emission EVPA is the angle χe = (eδ, F) evaluated east of north lying between the observer’s and emitter’s bases. It is expressed by Eq. (21).
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