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Fig. 6


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Comparison between various radial profiles between the data (magenta curves) and the DISCMINER model (gray curves). All panels except the height profile indicate the profile dispersion as a shaded region. Velocity and linewidth panels have a noticeable difference located at ~220 au, a blue residual curve characterizes this feature in the upper right corner of each panel. The linewidth panel shows the measured linewidth extracted from the data and the beam-convolved model by fitting the spectra. Additionally, the dashed black line indicates the intrinsic parametric form of the linewidth, as fitted by DISCMINER. The beam-convolved model will always have a broader linewidth than the parametric form and is used to directly compare our model to the data, which has a finite sptial resolution. However, the intrinsic linewidth is what we used in our calculations, as this is expected to be the actual line broadening due to thermal and nonthermal motions.

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