Open Access

Table 1

Comparison between different strong lensing codes along with their corresponding modeling techniques.

Lensing codes Associated publication Lens mass model Source light model Inference scheme
PixeLens Saha & Williams (1997) nonpar. PS (non)lin. prog.
LTM Broadhurst et al. (2005) par. PS DS
WSLAP+ Diego et al. (2005) hybrid. PS biCG, SVD
SWUnited Bradač et al. (2005) nonpar. PS MAP
Grale Liesenborgs et al. (2006) nonpar. PS genetic algorithm
LensPerfect Coe et al. (2008) nonpar. PS Powell’s method
Vegetti & Koopmans (2009) par., multipoles, nonpar. nonpar. NS, DS
Glee Suyu & Halkola (2010) par. PS, nonpar. MCMC
Glafic Oguri (2010) par., multipoles PS, par. DS
LensTool Kneib et al. (2011) par. PS, par. MCMC
GravLens Keeton (2011) par. PS, par. Powell’s method
(Py)AutoLens Nightingale & Dye (2015) par. PS, par., nonpar. NS
VisiLens Spilker et al. (2016) par. PS, par. MCMC
Lenstronomy Birrer et al. (2021) par., multipoles PS, par., particle swarm, DS
HercuLens Galan et al. (2022) par., neural net par. HMC
LensCharm (this work) par., nonpar., hybrid par., nonpar., hybrid MGVI, geoVI

Notes. Each code is referenced according to its dedicated publication or initial appearance. Parametric models are indicated with "par." and can include shapelets and wavelets functions. We indicate nonparametric models with "nonpar.", and point source light models with "PS". Additionally, for inference schemes which obtain a point estimate (maximum likelihood, maximum a posteriori (MAP), etc.), we reference the adopted minimization scheme if specified. For the minimization schemes, we denoted (non)linear programming by "(non)lin. prog.", biconjugate gradient, and singular value decomposition of the linear system defined in WSLAP+ by "biCG", and "SVD", nested sampling by "NS", downhill simplex by "DS", and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo by "HMC". The Metric Gaussian Variational Inference (MGVI) and geometric Variational Inference (geoVI) algorithms employed by LensCharm are introduced in Sect. 5.

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