Open Access

Table 7

Radius valley slopes m ≡ d log Rp,valley/d log P as predicted from theory for different scenarios.

Model m Reference
Impact erosion −0.33 Wyatt et al. (2020)
Photo-evaporation [−0.25, −0.16](†) Owen & Wu (2017)
Thermally-driven mass loss −0.10 Affolter et al. (2023)
Photo-evaporation in gas-poor discs [−0.15, −0.08](†) Lee & Connors (2021)
Gas-empty formation +0.11 Lopez & Rice (2018)

Notes. The photo-evaporation model has been developed using the energy-limited formula (e.g. Watson et al. 1981; Erkaev et al. 2007) and accounting for different efficiency values of stellar high-energy photons in the atmospheric mass removal. Instead, the thermally-driven mechanisms have been modelled via hydrodynamic simulations that couple photo-evaporation and core-powered mass loss.(†) (a, b) Denotes a range of values from a to b.

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