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Fig. 5


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Mass-radius diagram of M-dwarf planets with Rp < 4 R and Mp < 30 M whose Rp and Mp precision is better than 8% and 25%, respectively. All planets are colour-coded with respect to their equilibrium temperature (Teq) and in particular, TOI-732 b and TOI-732 c are marked by a star. Following the colour scheme given in the legend, two different sets of planet composition models generated with BICEPS (Haldemann et al. 2024) are displayed. The solid and dashed lines are obtained for Teq = Teq,b = 900 K and Teq = Teq,c = 360 K, respectively. The 50% steam + 50% Earth-like line corresponds to the model of Aguichine et al. (2021) for Teq = 400 K. An Earth-like composition implies a mixture of 32.5% iron and 67.5% silicates. The dotted black lines correspond to the loci of constant density, that is, 0.5, 1, 3, 5, and 10 g cm−3 (from top to bottom).

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