Fig. 9.

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Radial electron density profiles calculated by inverting the pB images shown in Fig. 7. The profiles of Metis and COR2 are depicted by the filled circles and solid lines, respectively. The colors represent different angles: blue (ϕ = 0°), orange (ϕ = 10°), green (ϕ = 20°), red (ϕ = 30°), purple (ϕ = 40°), brown (ϕ = 50°), pink (ϕ = 60°), gray (ϕ = 70°), olive (ϕ = 80°), and cyan (ϕ = 90°). The COR2 profiles are calculated for the whole FoV of the instrument (3.3–14.8 R⊙). The polar (Pol.) and equatorial (Eq.) electron density profiles reported in Saito et al. (1977) and that of the equatorial region reported in Gibson et al. (1999) are shown for comparison as black triangles, squares, and diamonds, respectively.
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