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Fig. 5


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Model parameters for a straight-line source-lens trajectory. The lens is the black dot in the centre, the source (unseen) is the orange disk 𝒮 of radius ρ, and the red and blue arcs 𝔗+ and 𝔗 are the major and minor lensed images, respectively. The line joining the centre of the two images makes an angle α1 with the xE-axis, with the convention that the source centre lies at a distance u1 > 0 from the lens, so that the major image is up for α1 ∈ [0, π] The trajectory of the source with respect to the lens is shown as the thick black arrow. It makes an angle a with the xE-axis, and u0 is its signed impact parameter. As the source moves relative to the lens along the black arrow, the images rotate around the lens.

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