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Fig. 2


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Geometry of major (red) and minor (blue) images when the images are arc-shaped (i.e. for 0 < η1 < 1, where η1 = ρ/u1). The Einstein ring is shown as the black dotted circle, and both axes are in θE units. When the arcs are thin, the images thickness δ is not resolved by the interferometer and two sources 𝒮1 and 𝒮2 (in orange) of same ratio η1 produce arc-shaped images of equal angular elongation, φ = 2 arcsin η1. The projected extension of the arcs onto the xE-axis is θa = η1θE, is hence comparable to θE, and is thus resolved by the interferometer. When η1 > 1, the image of the source is a ring (and φ = π).

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