Table 1
Input parameters
Parameter | All cases |
mi/me | 36 |
U0/VTe | 0.36 |
U0/VTi | 2.17 |
β | 0.01 |
ɛ | 190 |
L⊥/rLi | 13 |
L⊥/RM | 0.76 |
IMF direction | northward |
Bss/B0 | 1.81 |
mx × my × mz | 405 × 255 × 605 |
np | 20 000 000 |
Nc | 100 |
Notes. mi/me – ion-to-electron mass ratio, U0 – plasma bulk velocity at injection, VTe and VTi – thermal speed of electrons and ions, β – plasma-beta, ɛ – plasma dielectric constant, L⊥ – transversal size of the plasma element (with respect to the IMF direction), rLi – Larmor radius of thermal ions, RM – radius of Mercury, Bss – magnetic field magnitude at the subsolar magnetopause (just inside the magnetosphere), B0 – IMF magnitude, mx, my, mz – number of simulation grid-cells along each direction, np – total number of simulated particles per species, and Nc – number of particles per grid-cell per species.
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