Open Access

Table A.1

Catalog of 570 reliable cores identified in the multiwavelength Herschel maps of the Vela C molecular cloud (template; full catalog provided online).

n RA Dec f Γ Ξ Core type SIMBAD
(J2000, °) (J2000, °)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1 134.8590106 −43.4369271 1 7.831E+03 1.491E+06 protostellar [MHL2007] G264.9032+01.6584 1
2 135.2813467 −45.0079501 0 5.121E+03 5.271E+05 protostellar [MHL2007] G266.2856+00.8533 1 MSX6C G266.2856+00.8533
3 135.1585678 −43.9928924 0 4.561E+03 5.021E+05 protostellar MSX6C G265.4642+01.4561 IRAS 08588-4347
f70 Γ70 Ξ70 FP,70 σP,70 FT,70 σT,70 FG,70 A70 B70 AM,70 BM,70 ωM,70 ϕ70 AF,70 BF,70
(9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25)

f160 Γ160 Ξ160 FP,160 σP,160 FT,160 σT,160 FG,160 A160 B160 AM,160 BM,160 ωM,160 ϕ160 AF,160 BF,160
(Jy/beam) (Jy/beam) (Jy) (Jy) (Jy) (″) (″) (″) (″) (″) (″) (°) (″) (″)
(26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42)

0 9.654E+02 2.549Ε+04 2.462Ε+01 8.177 E-02 3.648E+01 1.323E-01 2.787E+01 1.170E+01 1.300E+01 1.191E+01 1.798E+01 1.670E+01 1.186E+02 −4.644E+00 5.931E+01 5.433E+01
0 1.297E+03 4.218Ε+04 3.095Ε+01 6.114E-02 3.737E+01 1.347E-01 3.128E+01 1.170E+01 1.263E+01 1.096E+01 1.829E+01 1.678E+01 8.827E+01 −6.158E+00 8.303E+01 7.205E+01
0 1.323E+03 2.972Ε+04 3.596Ε+01 1.203E-01 4.212E+01 1.491E-01 3.463E+01 1.170E+01 1.302E+01 1.052E+01 1.584E+01 1.273E+01 1.154E+02 −3.342E+00 4.839E+01 3.910E+01

f250 Γ250 Ξ250 FP,250 σΡ,250 FT,250 σT,250 FG,250 A250 B250 AM,250 BM,250 ωM,250 ϕ250 AF,250 BF,250
(43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59)

f350 Γ350 Ξ350 FΡ,350 σP,350 FT,350 σT,350 FG,350 A350 B350 AM,350 BM,350 ωM,350 ϕ350 AF,350 BF,350
(60) (61) (62) (63) (64) (65) (66) (67) (68) (69) (70) (71) (72) (73) (74) (75) (76)

f500 Γ500 Ξ500 FP,500 σΡ,500 FT,500 σT,350 FG,500 A500 B500 AM,500 BM,500 ωM,500 ϕ350 AF,350 BF,350
(77) (78) (79) (80) (81) (82) (83) (84) (85) (86) (87) (88) (89) (90) (91) (92) (93)

f8.5″ Γ8.5 Ξ8.5 FP,8.5″ σP,8.5″ FT,8.5″ σT,8.5 FG,8.5″ A8.5 B8.5 AM,8.5 BM,8.5 ωM,8.5 ϕ8.5 AF,8.5 BF,8.5
(94) (95) (96) (97) (98) (99) (100) (101) (102) (103) (104) (105) (106) (107) (108) (109) (110)

f11.7″ Γ11.7″ Ξ11.7 FP,11.7″ σP,11.7 FT,11.7″ σT,11.7″ FG,11.7″ A11.7 B11.7″ AM,11.7″ BM,11.7″ ωM,11.7 ϕ11.7 AF,11.7 BF,11.7
(cm−2) (cm−2) (cm−2) (cm−2) (M) (″) (″) (″) (″) (″) (°) (″) (″) (″)
(111) (112) (113) (114) (115) (116) (117) (118) (119) (120) (121) (122) (123) (124) (125) (126) (127)

0 8.125E+02 2.715Ε+03 1.160E+25 3.324E+23 1.314E+25 2.745E+23 2.722E+00 3.256E-01 1.236E+01 1.108E+01 1.215E+01 1.155E+01 4.561 E+01 −2.453E+00 2.926E+01 2.870E+01
0 1.444E+03 1.028Ε+04 2.898E+25 3.574E+23 3.871E+25 3.844E+23 6.537E+00 1.356E-01 1.228E+01 1.115E+01 1.470E+01 1.354E+01 1.597E+02 −3.166E+00 3.847E+01 3.704E+01
0 1.004E+03 5.867Ε+03 2.054E+25 3.203E+23 2.531E+25 2.705E+23 4.340E+00 2.042E-01 1.220E+01 1.122E+01 1.216E+01 1.147E+01 1.353E+02 −2.502E+00 3.003E+01 2.927E+01

f18.2″ Γ18.2″ Ξ18.2″ FP,18.2″ σP,18.2″ FT,18.2″ σT,18.2″ FG,18.2″ A18.2″ B18.2″ AM,18.2″ BM,18.2″ ωM,18.2″ ϕ18.2″ AF,18.2″ BF,18.2″
(128) (129) (130) (131) (132) (133) (134) (135) (136) (137) (138) (139) (140) (141) (142) (143) (144)

Notes. Catalog entries are as follows: (1) Source running number; (2) and (3): Centroid equatorial coordinates; (4) Flag describing global properties over all wavelengths (global flag), 0: source is not blended with any other source in any waveband; 1: source’s footprints intersect by more than 20% in at least one waveband; 2: source’s footprint area contains at least one other source; 3: source is causing a larger source to be substructured; (5) Detection significance over all wavelengths; (6) Monochromatic goodness (combining detection significance and signal-to-noise ratio); (7) Core type: protostellar, prestellar, unbound starless, and unresolved starless; (8) SIMBAD infrared source counterparts within a radius of 6″ from the centroid position of the Herschel source; (9), (26), (43), (60), (77), (94), (111), (128): Wavelength-dependent flag; (10), (27), (44), (61), (78), (95), (112), (129): Detection significance from monochromatic single scales; (11), (28), (45), (62), (79), (96), (113), (130): Monochromatic goodness (combining detection significance and signal-to-noise ratio); (12), (29), (46), (63), (80), (97), (114), (131): Peak intensity; (13), (30), (47), (64), (81), (98), (115), (132): Error of FP,λ (14), (31), (48), (65), (82), (99), (116), (133): Total flux; (15), (32), (49), (66), (83), (100), (117), (134): Error of FT,λ; (16), (33), (50), (67), (84): Gaussian flux; (101), (118), (135): Mass derived from the surface density image; (17), (34), (51), (68), (85), (102), (119), (136): Characteristic size of sources; (18)-(19), (35)-(36), (53)-(54), (69)-(70), (86)-(87), (103)-(104), (120)-(121), (137)-(138): Major and minor sizes at half maximum of sources; (20)-(21), (37)-(38), (55)-(56), (71)-(72), (88)-(89), (105)-(106), (122)-(123), (139)-(140): Major and minor size from intensity moments of sources; (22), (39), (57), (73), (90), (107), (124), (141): Position angle; (23), (40), (58), (74), (91), (108), (125), (142): Footprint factor; (24)-(25), (41)-(42), (59)-(60), (75)-(76), (92)-(93), (109)-(110), (126)-(127), (143)-(144): Major and minor sizes at footprint axes of sources.

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