Gaia Data Release 3
Open Access

Fig. 26.


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Orbital period from the nss_two_body_orbit table vs. photometric period from the vari_long_period_variable table. Top, middle, and bottom panels: correspond to different filtering based on the SB1 significance (respectively, larger than 5, 20, and 40). The two sequences observed in all panels correspond to Plpv/Pnss = 0.5 (ellipsoidal variables; upper sequence) and Plpv/Pnss = 1 (LPVs or rotational modulation in a synchronised system; lower sequence). Top panel: crosses denote NSS solutions for which the Roche-lobe filling factor is above unity, and therefore unphysical. The filtering with significance larger than 40 makes these latter disappear almost entirely.

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