Fig. 2

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Intensity maps of comet C/2014 B1 (Schwartz) in the g-sdss and r-sdss filters obtained at the 6 m BTA telescope on 2017 January 23. The color scale does not reflect the absolute brightness of the comet. Panels a and d show the co-added composite images of the comet with overlaid isophots differing by a factor of ; panels b and e are the original images (a) and (d) enhanced by a rotational gradient method (Larson & Sekanina 1984); panels c and f are the original images (a) and (d) enhanced by a 1/ρ profile method (Samarasinha & Larson 2014). The nucleus location is marked with a cross in each panel. Jet-like structures in the coma are labeled as J1 and J2. The arrows point in the directions of the Sun (⊙), north (N), east (E), and the negative projected heliocentric velocity vector of the comet (−V). The negative distance is in the solar direction, and the positive distance is in the anti-solar direction.
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