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Fig. 10


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g−r color map (a) and polarization map in the r-sdss filter (b) of comet C/2014 B1 (Schwartz) observed on 2017 January 23 at the phase angle of 2.12°. The polarization map is shown with isophots superimposed on the image to show the polarization in jets. The associated scale bars in magnitude for the color map and in percentage for the polarization map are displayed on the top of the images. The location of the optocenter is marked with a black cross, and jets are shown with black lines. The arrows point in the directions of the Sun (⊙), north (N), east (E), and the negative projected heliocentric velocity vector of the comet (−V). The negative distance is in the solar direction, and the positive distance is in the anti-solar direction.

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