Fig. 6.

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Active-region detection statistics on the far side. The seismic maps from this work (three-day averages), the JSOC/Stanford seismic holography “strong region maps” (five-day averages), and the maps from time–distance helioseismology (Zhao et al. 2019, four-day averages) are compared with STEREO maps (four-day averages). Top panel: true-positive detection rates for the three seismic imaging methods as a function of minimum active region area Smin. The area of NOAA 12007 is S = 3.4 × 103 μhs (red arrow and Fig. 2b). Bottom panel: false-discovery rates. The horizontal dashed line is drawn at 5%. Our improved method has a significantly smaller false-discovery rate than the other methods, in the Smin range of interest.
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