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Fig. 2.


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Composite maps of the solar surface in the Carrington frame. In all panels, the near side (gray shades) shows the SDO/HMI unsigned line-of-sight magnetic field at 0:00 TAI on March 4, 2014. Panel a: far-side map using improved helioseismic holography (Φ, blue shades) applied to 31 h of SDO/HMI Dopplergrams centered on March 4, 2014. The red lines indicate the location of active region NOAA 12007 when it emerges ∼8 days later on the near side. The longitude is that of Carrington rotation 2147. Panel b: same as panel a but for a three-day average over March 3–5. A low pass spatial filter (l < 40) was applied. Panel c: far side seen by STEREO/EUVI at 304 Å. Panel d: far-side map from the standard JSOC/Stanford helioseismic pipeline (blue shades) using 3 days of data.

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