Open Access

Table 1.

Average and median values of the sample physical parameters by population.

Pop. (231 quasars) Pop. xA (11 quasars) Pop. B (67 quasars)

Average Median Average Median Average Median Notes
FWHM(C III] BC) 3330±280 3370±280 3280±255 3420±260 4490±180 4380±180 a
FWHM(C III] VBC) 8120±410 8120±410 a
FWHM(Al III) 3560±270 3550±230 3560±230 3530±250 5270±240 5300±250 a

EW (C III]) −15.43±2.90 −14.77±2.90 −8.33±1.88 −8.94±1.88 −7.18±1.76 −6.97±1.76 b
EW (Al III) −3.55±0.94 −3.27±0.94 −7.08±0.79 −7.05±0.79 −5.02±0.97 −4.92±0.97 b

Al III/Si III] 0.48±0.11 0.45±0.11 0.63±0.02 0.60±0.02 c
C III]/Si III] 2.17±0.58 1.88±0.58 0.72±0.10 0.75±0.10 0.94±0.22 0.86±0.22 c
C III](BC+VBC)/Si III] 1.68±0.32 1.53±0.32 d

shift C III] 50±190 40±190 80±120 50±120 80±90 160±90 a
shift Al III −30±120 10±120 −200±232 −240±230 30±120 10±120 a
log MBH(C III]BC) 8.82±0.14 8.81±0.14 8.79±0.13 8.82±0.13 9.15±0.12 9.13±0.12 e
log MBH(Al III) 8.80±0.10 8.78±0.10 8.79±0.09 8.83±0.09 9.14±0.11 9.12±0.11 e
log L1909 43.94 43.93 43.62 43.61 43.56 43.57 f
log L1860 43.27 43.26 43.60 43.61 43.46 43.45 f
log LBol 46.87±2.65 46.86±2.65 46.85±1.84 46.87±1.84 46.84±2.59 46.79±2.59 g
REdd (C III]) 0.95±0.20 0.85±0.20 0.98±0.24 0.87±0.24 0.39±0.07 0.39±0.07 h
REdd (Al III) 0.96±0.19 0.86±0.19 0.91±0.13 0.85±0.13 0.41±0.07 0.39±0.07 h
log Lvir 47.09 47.08 i



In units of km s−1.


Rest frame EWs reported with normalised spectra at 1700 Å are in units of Å.


UV diagnostic ratios from MS14 for Pop. A sources.


UV diagnostic ratio from MS14 for Pop. B sources.


Log of MBH are computed using the scale relations by M22 in units of M.


Log of line luminosity in units of ergs s−1; uncertainties are 10% of the value.


Log of bolometric luminosity in unit of ergs s−1 computed using the continuum window at 1700 Å.


REdd is the Eddington ratio.


Log of virial luminosity in units of ergs s−1; uncertainties are 10% of the value.

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