Open Access

Table 1.

Main properties of the BCS40 sample.

Name RA Dec DL Spatial Sy log (NH) log () log (MBH/M) log (λEdd)
(J2000) (J2000) (Mpc) scale type (cm−2) (erg s−1)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
NGC 1365 03h33m36.4s −36d08m25s 21.5 103 1.8 22.21 42.32 7.92 (a) −2.44
NGC 2110 05h52m11.4s −07d27m22s 32.4 155 2.0 22.94 42.69 9.25 (b) −3.40
ESO 005-G004 06h05m41.6s −86d37m55s 24.1 116 2.0 24.34 42.78 6.98 (c) −1.04
NGC 2992 09h45m42.0s −14d19m35s 34.4 164 1.9 21.72 42.00 5.42 (b) −0.26
MCG-05-23-016 09h47m40.1s −30h56m55s 35.8 171 2.0 22.18 43.20 7.98 (a) −1.62
NGC 3081 09h59m29.5s −22d49m35s 34.5 164 2.0 23.91 42.72 8.41 (b) −2.53
NGC 3227 10h23m30.6s +19d51m54s 20.4 98 1.5 20.95 42.10 6.62 (b) −1.36
NGC 3783 11h39m01.7s −37d44m19s 36.4 173 1.2 20.49 43.43 7.14 (a) −0.55
UGC 6728 11h45m16.0s +79d40m53s 32.1 153 1.2 20.00 41.80 5.32 (b) −0.36
NGC 4051 12h03m09.6s +44d31m53s 12.9 62 1.2 20.00 41.33 5.60 (b) −1.11
NGC 4138 12h09m29.8s +43d41m07s 17.7 85 1.9 22.89 41.23 7.30 (b) −2.91
NGC 4151 12h10m32.6s +39d24m21s 20.0 96 1.5 22.71 42.31 7.43 (a) −1.96
NGC 4388 (*) 12h25m46.7s +12d39m44s 17.0 82 2.0 23.52 43.05 6.99 (b) −0.78
NGC 4395 12h25m48.8s +33d32m49s 3.84 19 1.8 21.04 40.50 4.88 (a) −1.22
NGC 4945 13h05m27.5s −49d28m06s 4.36 21 2.0 24.80 42.69 7.78 (a) −1.93
NGC 5128/CenA 13h25m27.6s −43d01m09s 4.28 21 2.0 23.02 42.39 7.94 (a) −2.39
MCG-06-30-015 13h35m53.7s −34d17m44s 26.8 128 1.2 20.85 42.74 7.42 (a) −1.52
NGC 5506 14h13m14.9s −03d12m27s 30.1 144 1.9 22.44 42.99 8.29 (a) −2.14
NGC 6300 17h16m59.5s −62d49m14s 14.0 68 2.0 23.31 41.84 7.01 (a) −2.01
NGC 6814 19h42n40.6s −10d19m25s 25.8 123 1.5 20.97 42.31 6.46 (b) −0.99
NGC 7172 22h02m01.9s −31d52m11s 37.9 180 2.0 22.91 42.76 8.45 (b) −2.53
NGC 7213 22h09m16.3s −47d10m00s 25.1 120 1.5 20.00 41.95 7.37 (c) −2.26
NGC 7314 22h35m46.2s −26d03m02s 20.9 100 1.9 21.60 42.33 7.24 (b) −1.75
NGC 7582 23h18m23.5s −42d22m14s 22.1 106 2.0 24.33 42.86 7.52 (a) −1.50

Notes. Right ascension (RA), declination (Dec) and Seyfert type. (*)This galaxy is part of the Virgo Cluster (Binggeli et al. 1985). We assumed a cosmology with H0 = 70 km s−1 Mpc−1, Ωm = 0.3, and ΩΛ = 0.7, and a velocity-field corrected using the Mould et al. (2000) model, which includes the influence of the Virgo cluster, the Great Attractor, and the Shapley supercluster. The X-ray hydrogen column density and intrinsic 2–10 keV X-ray luminosity were taken from Ricci et al. (2017b). References for the BH masses: (a) GB19; (b) Koss et al. (2017); (c) Vasudevan et al. (2010). We note that the Eddington ratio is derived following the methodology as in Ricci et al. (2017a).

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