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Fig. 13.


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Clumpy disc+wind H17 (blue solid lines) and clumpy disc H17 (orange dashed lines) model SEDs (normalized at 20 μm). Left panel: Sy1 configuration, which consists of a concentrated disc (a = −2.5) and an extended wind (aw = −1.0). Right panel: Sy2 configuration, which consists of a relatively extended disc (a = −1.0) and a concentrated wind (aw = −2.0). From top to bottom panels: Face-on, intermediate (45°), and edge-on values of the inclination angle for the clumpy disc and disc+wind dusty structure. We note that all the models use N = 7, and the clumpy disc+wind H17 models use fwd = 0.6, θ = 45° and σ = 10° (see main text for further details on the parameters of the models).

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