Fig. 1.
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H II regions identified towards NGC 1672. The three colour images are composed of 814 nm, 555 nm, and 435 nm wideband filters from the HST (Jenkins et al. 2011; Lee et al. 2022); and in red, we display the HST continuum-subtracted 658 nm (Hα) narrow-band emission (Jenkins et al. 2011). Map of the galaxy disc overlaid with the boxes showing the positions of the H II region sample (upper left). Image cutouts for a subset of the H II regions (right and below). The region ID is shown in the upper left of each panel (Table A.1). Overlaid as a red contour is the boundary of each H II region (Sect. 3.1). At the lower left of each panel, we show a scale bar, and a circle denoting the approximate HST PSF size (0.1″, 9 pc).
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