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Fig. 2.


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Photometric characteristics of the Euclid/VIS detector. Left panel: Euclid/VIS transmission curve (solid red line). Gaia G-band transmission curve (Venancio et al. 2020, solid blue line). Euclid/VIS payload module (PLM) transmission curve (black dashed line). Quantum efficiency of the Euclid/VIS CCD detectors (including end-of-life contamination), derived from the initial engineering models (green dotted line). Wavelength ranges for the numerical integration of the transmission of VIS using the IRSA sky-background model (gray columns). SDSS g-band sensitivity for extended sources with zero airmass (light blue dotted line). Equivalent for SDSS r-band (orange dash-dotted line). Equivalent for SDSS i-band (magenta dash-dot-dotted line). Right panel: Euclid/VIS magnitude as a function of the Gaia G-band AB magnitudes for the synthetic stellar objects of the Euclid true universe simulation. See the legend for the fitted linear transformation model between both bands.

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