Open Access

Table 2.

Galaxy group and cluster members of the Southern Great Wall.

Name RA Dec Redshift Flux Err. LX m200 rout nH Alt. name
RXCJ0125.5+0145 21.3757 1.7623 0.0184 5.3397 15.00 0.0452 0.546 14.0 3.1 NGC 533
RXCJ0125.6−0124 21.4198 −1.4072 0.0180 11.7510 14.10 0.0863 0.816 24.0 4.1 A 194
RXCJ0149.2+1303 27.3049 13.0649 0.0171 2.3451 20.50 0.0188 0.318 9.5 4.9 NGC 677
RXCJ0156.3+0537 29.0924 5.6228 0.0185 3.0455 13.20 0.0281 0.407 10.0 4.3 NGC 741
RXCJ0231.9+0114 37.9881 1.2445 0.0218 2.9004 21.10 0.0326 0.445 14.5 2.9 UGC 2005
RXCJ0252.8−0116 43.2060 −1.2741 0.0235 7.4523 16.20 0.1150 0.971 9.5 5.3 NGC 1132
RXCJ0257.6+0600 44.4038 6.0160 0.0243 17.1120 12.00 0.2435 1.546 18.0 9.3 A 400

Notes. The meaning of the columns is the same as in Table 1.

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