Open Access

Fig. 2.


Perseus-Pisces SC (blue filled circles [z ≤ 0.025] and squares [z > 0.025]) and Southern Great Wall (red diamonds). The size of the symbols indicates the estimated mass of the clusters, as described in the text. The open symbols indicate clusters that are not members of these SCs. Some massive galaxy clusters and groups are labelled: (1) Perseus cluster, (2) AWM7, (3) CIZAJ0300.7+4427, (4) A 262, (5) NGC 499 and NGC 507 (here blended together), (6) NGC 383, (7) 3C 129, (8) UGC 3355, (9) A 400, (10) NGC 1132. The group UGC 2562 is hidden behind the Perseus cluster. The lines marking the region of high interstellar hydrogen column density, the ZoA, and the Supergalactic band are the same as in Fig. 1.

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