Fig. 1.
Sky distribution of the CLASSIX galaxy clusters in the redshift range z = 0 − 0.025. The clusters associated with the Perseus-Pisces SC are shown as blue solid circles (z ≤ 0.025) and blue solid squares (z > 0.025) and those belonging to the SGW as red solid diamonds. Top: map in equatorial coordinates. The members of the core part of the Perseus-Pisces SC are shown with open circles around the circles and squares. The Galactic band (bII = ±20°) is shown by the blue dotted lines, the region with high hydrogen column density (nH ≥ 2.5 × 1021 cm−2) is indicated by the solid blue lines, and the Supergalactic band (SGB = ±20°) by the red lines. Bottom: map in Galactic coordinates. The larger blue open circles show the members of the Perseus-Pisces SC found with an increased lower luminosity limit of 1043 erg s−1 as explained in Sect. 4.3. The two green points show the two clusters A 569 (positive bII) and A 2634 (negative bII), which are part of the discussion in Sect. 5.
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