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Table 1.

Summary of the parameters in the initial configuration of the jet.

Case rc/Rj Π(r = 0)/Rj Ms(r = 0) Vz(r = 0)/c Bϕ(r = Rj) η tstop/ta Remarks
UNI-A ... 1.26 0.027 0 1 3.75
HEL1-A 2 0.5 1.26 0.027 71 1 3.75 Cases for validation
HEL2-A 0.5 0.125 1.26 0.027 71 1 3.75

UNI-B ... 5.00 0.1 0 1 4.75 Reference case

HEL1-B 2 0.5 5.00 0.1 71 1 4.75
HEL2-B 0.5 0.125 5.00 0.1 71 1 4.75
UNI-C ... 5.00 0.24 0 5 7.25 Comparative cases
HEL2-C 0.5 0.125 10.00 0.2 71 1 4.75
UNI-D ... 5.00 0.7 0 50 15.0

Notes. Here, the magnetic pitch parameter Π, sonic Mach number Ms, and axial velocity Vz/c are specified on the jet axis, Bϕ is the azimuthal magnetic field, η is the density contrast, tstop/ta is the time at which the run ends, and rc is the characteristic column radius. All the cases have plasma on the jet axis and an axial magnetic field Bz = 44 μG.

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